
Wardrobe Remix for 12.25.09

12.25.09 3

feathered headband - Urban Outfitters
white bell-sleeve sweater dress - thrifted
black patterned stockings - Target
black leather Blowfish "Willis" booties - nyciwear.com

12.25.09 2

12.25.09 1

Another attempt at having multiple pictures. I'm not too pleased with the far away shots- blurry because of the snow! It has just started snowing at that point and we have gotten a lot since then. My brother just came in from shoveling, and we are about to brave the three-ring circus of Target in the hopes that I might procure myself a certain Rodarte dress (I am not holding my breath). However, I am very pleased with my presents so far. I have received a Rodarte shirt and a Scarlett O'Hara glass from my friend Alma, and my friend Erin made me some absolutely gorgeous paper jewelry (earrings, and a bracelet I wore on Christmas Eve). My dad and grandma have spoiled me immensely, too, and I get the feeling my boyfriend also has. I'm a lucky lady! But considering almost all of the gifts my friends and family have received by me have been loved and put to use makes me feel pretty marvelous, too.

Anyway! The outfit. I wish I got a picture of my Christmas Eve outfit, but the day was a bit nanners. If I can't find the dress I want, and I return the dress I bought last month for NYE, I may repeat the outfit. But this dress was originally from Target, and still new I think, but I thrifted it. Gotta love that. I also treated myself to the patterned tights last week- all of mine have massive holes in them! I swear they rip faster than any other kind. And the boots I have worn before, as I have the headband (a birthday gift to myself last year). My aunt said I looked like a snowflake, haha.

I may or may not do a gifty-post, so if that doesn't happen I want to say now that I hope you got everything you wanted, and I want to see everything! I hope everyone who celebrated Christmas had a very merry one, with family, friends, food, and a lot of happiness.


  1. haha, i loved that you thrifted something from target, awesome. :) really cute outfit, love the feather headband!

  2. Somehow I missed this post until now. I love that second photo of you, you look gorgeous!
    Sometimes it astounds me how much we have grown up. <3 <3
