As most do at this time of year I am reflecting on goals I made for myself for this year. From the blog, let's revisit:
Resolutions and Goals for 2010
• Get up 15 minutes earlier every day (outfit photo + get together lunch + not have to run to the bus)
I'm not getting up earlier, but cutting my hair has also cut down my morning routine!
• Take outfit photos way more often (see previous)
• Update blog at least every other day
Eep. Maybe this is why I'm not late to work as much? I'll try harder next year!
• Get a lot more stock for both my etsy stores
Yes! I also remember telling Michael I'd like to hit 100 sales in my vintage shop before my birthday, which I also did. :)
• Save money so I can go to L.A. in March and Boston/Salem in September or October with Michael
Yeah, neither of those happened. But I *did* do to Madison in Febuary, a bonus trip to Lawrence in July, and New York City in May so I did get out of the state!
• Make solid, fashionable attempt to wear pants more often
I am wearing pants more often! I just never photograph it. ;)
• Only buy shoes that are durable, comfortable, and stylish
Except for a stupid purchase here and there (it's hard to justify spending more than $20 on novelty heels!) I've been pretty good about this.
• Get rid of even more stuff
I got rid of A LOT when I moved...of course now I accumulated some more. Ha.
• Buy a better sewing machine and learn how to sew (this is not likely, but I'm still putting it on here)
I did NOT buy a new sewing machine, however I DID learn to sew! Or at least hem. Thanks to Alma and her sewing machine. :)
Goals for 2011? Let's see:
• Travel! Travel travel travel. I started tearing up on the bus to work this morning, frustrated at how badly I need to leave Chicago for a little while. Ugh.
• Sew my first garment from scratch.
• Try to relax, be less insecure about myself and my relationships, and remember that I am loved.
• Get my driver's license, or at least renew my learner's permit.
• Spend less money on clothes and more on experiences and pampering myself (massage, anyone?)
• Maybe get another kitty friend for Seymour!
At the risk of this being too long, I'm going to post photos from a few of my favourite moments in 2010, and wish you all a happy, healthy 2011. Thanks for sticking with this blog, I hope to be even better about updating it next year! I love all of my readers. :)