
Wardrobe Remix for 05.05.10


black scoop-back tee - Old Navy
khaki plaid tulip skirt - Tulle
black polka dot stockings - can't remember
black leather wedges - thrifted

I warned you guys I was gonna be super out of it, but I'm trying! This outfit is from yesterday. Today I looked much frumpier cos I was tired and it was a lot colder! I really, really hate Chicago weather. Whenever it's nice temperature-wise it's either raining or windy or both. Grumble grumble grumble.

I'm still not sure how I feel about these shoes. I think it's the woven stuff on the tops in the front. I feel like nothing really matches them, I guess. Same with this skirt. This is only the second time I've worn it (winter is partly to blame). I think it's cos I need to iron/steam the heck out of it when I wear it. Classy yet low-maintenance...there's gotta be a niche for me somewhere in fashion without me only wearing jersey dresses. Sorry for the rant. I'm exhausted and today has been kind of a bummer. Still waiting to hear anything about our dream apartment. I move in three weeks! Come on, guys...




Anonymous said...

Great outfit! I think the skirt, shoes & everything all work! Hope your apartment works out. Sorry today was a bummer. Tomorrow will be better! <3

Twitter @sabrinaholly

Starr Crow said...

you look great! the skirt is so unique, and i love it paired with those tights.

Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

You look smashing, SL! I love the polka dot stockings with the plaid on that cute skirt. I'm still sending you good apartment-finding vibes.

Robyn said...

Weather woes! I hear you... from a different climate altogether, but I hear you. As for this outfit, I really like it. The low scoop back. The print mixing. It all works.

t said...

Very cute tights!
