
Wardrobe Remix for 11.04.09


long sleeve brown tee - Old Navy
grey sack dress - H&M
white and gold belt - thrifted
ivory wool stockings - TJ Maxx
chocolate brown boots - Old Navy

Hair is huge today! My messy long bangs are growing on me, though. It gives me back a bit of the only thing I miss about losing weight - my young round moon face. Also, whoever said red hair is the ultimate accessory is right! I feel so brash with such vivid hair I feel I need to wear neutrals so often. I wanted to wear my new stompy grunge boots today but I figured a sleeker pair works better for this outfit. I also like to hide my legs more when wearing such light stockings. One of my new fave bloggers, Mamushka Marie, said it all in this post of hers and it's a trend I always waver back and forth from myself while other ladies don them so gracefully.


eednic said...

love the white details you have paired with this outfit.

Diane said...

So cute! I love the white tights on you.

sasha said...

I love that cute dress white always fascinating to me and that dress with Skechers shapes up could be awesome